Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Silly Katie...Trix are for Kids.

Ahhh Katie, your attempt at punishment is comparable to taking a competitive eater to an all you can eat buffet. Posting a wicked, awesome picture of me is not punishment at all milady...I LOVE it. That happens to be one of my favorite pictures EVER. In case you haven't known me for say...oh the last two decades of my life...taking weird pictures is what I do. Oh, you would like examples you say?? Well I'm happy to oblige:

Exhibit A: You KNOW I rocked .................Exhibit B: Cheers America!!
.............your Grandma's frames!.........................Happy 4th of July!
....... ..... ..... ..

Exhibit C: Just a gathering of.................. Exhibit D: Standard Family Photo
...............friends......................................... Christmas Sweater anybody??

Exhibit E: My Mom says I'm................... ..Exhibit F: Say WHAT?!

... ..........

I guess some of us are just born awesome...

That's All Folks!!


  1. FINALLY I am officially following your blog! Even though Ryan has been sending us all the posts via email it feels great to be a REAL member! SO proud of you both!!!

  2. I'm pretty sure that I took some of those awesome pictures at 747! And are the grandma glasses in Ruidoso? Yea B for joining!!

  3. You are correct on both accounts Megan! Lol!

    And I agree, congrats on not being J.V. anymore Blake! Welcome to the blog!!
