Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Discovery

Ok so I have found a fun little website that you all might find interesting. It's called The Daily Plate and it is associated with the Live Strong Foundation.

I was searching for online nutritional information when I stumbled across this little beaut. You can sign up and it is an online food and work out journal. Not only does it have nutritional information for lots of restaurants and brands but you can also set caloric goals for yourself based on your age/weight/weight loss goals. These are all great but what I really like is that you can look at your progress from a daily, weekly and monthly perspective and can track it from anywhere. I think it's pretty user friendly. It's only my second day of using it so I'll reserve judgment until later, but so far so good!


  1. umm... hello? do I get no love on this one?? Its a really great website, especially if you want to know restaurant nutrition.

  2. Yes - I stand corrected. Kim did point me to the daily plate website for the restaurant nutrition. I completely overlooked the other capabilities of the site until just the other day, hence, my "discovery."

    Apologies, Sister!
