Whew, now that I have all that off my (meager) chest...let's get to today's post: our new gym!
Now where to begin...our new gym is swanky! Those of you who know me well probably wouldn't really peg me in a gym like this but on my quest to getting ripped there is little that can stop me! The gym is located on the first floor of the AMLI Quadrangle apartments in the Uptown area. It's about half the size of our old gym but still plenty of space for the three of us! It's actually kind of nice having the entire gym to ourselves every morning. We can pretty much do or say whatever we want which results in a lot of rambling jokes/stories from me which I inevitably act out. I mean what's a story without visuals? A novel? Does anyone still read those? Do they even still make those?? Kidding, kidding! You guys don't need to leave comments informing me of the existence of novels. I'm at Half Price about once a month. Geez, learn to take a joke! ;)
Sorry...I digress. The look and feel of the new gym is pretty sleek. It has a very contemporary/modern design in regards to its carpet, paint, and fixtures. I actually find myself staring at the fans quite often. :) They kind of look like this...
but they're clear!
I think their mesmerizing qualities now speak for themselves so I will move on. Another nice perk of our new gym is that JR can control the A/C which once again, anyone who knows me well realizes this is HUGE! I'm what you call "hot-natured" or what I have more accurately termed "a sweater." And no, I'm not talking about the warm fuzzy you wear in the winter...I'm talking about the unbecoming "oh my God is it possible for one human being to sweat so much" kind of sweater. Case in point: today we were doing our warm-up on the treadmill. It was already a bit steamy in the gym and JR asks, "Is it a little warm in here?" I of course say that it is seeing as I'm already sweating...a lot. And after JR darts aways for a few quick moments it was only about 10 minutes before that teeny, wonderful gym was comparable to an ice box. It was AMAZING.
This look might work for a guy in a band... but let me assure you that it doesn't work for a girl, well, EVER.
So all in all, I think our move has been quite a step in the right direction! Until tomorrow...
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